At St. Mark's, we believe worship is a community experience, and there are many ways for parishioners of all ages to participate and serve. Whether you're new to our congregation or have been here for years, we invite you to share your gifts in worship. Below are some of the ministries you can volunteer for:
The Altar Guild
Members of the Altar Guild play a vital role in preparing our sanctuary for worship. They set the table for Holy Eucharist, care for the sacred vessels and linens, and ensure that everything is in place for our services. After the service, they reverently clean and put away the items used. This ministry is ideal for those who find meaning in quiet, behind-the-scenes service.
We welcome acolytes ages seven through adults to help lead our worship. Acolytes perform various roles, such as Crucifer, carrying the processional crosses; Torch bearer, carrying the candles in procession; Flag and Banner Bearers, carrying the U.S., Wyoming, and Episcopal Flags, as well as the St. Mark's Banner; Gospel Bearer, carrying the Gospel Book during processions; Thurifer, carrying the thurible when we use incense; and assisting the priest at the altar. Additionally, trained youth and adults can serve as Chalice Bearers, helping to distribute the wine during Communion. Serving as an acolyte is a deeply spiritual and meaningful way to be part of the liturgy.
Lectors bring the Word of God to life by reading passages from the Old and New Testaments and leading the Prayers of the People during our services. This ministry is open to all who feel called to share their voice and help proclaim God's word to the congregation.
Our choir helps lead the congregation in song, enriching our worship with beautiful and uplifting music. Whether you are an experienced singer or someone who simply loves to sing, we invite you to join us. Rehearsals are held weekly on Wednesdays, and new members are always welcome to help us make a joyful noise!
Ushers are a welcoming presence at our services, handing out bulletins and helping everyone find a seat. They also collect the offering and guide communicants to the altar rail during Communion. This is a wonderful way to serve our community and ensure that everyone feels comfortable and included.
Our Greeters are often the first people that newcomers meet when they arrive at St. Mark's. They provide a warm welcome, answer any questions about the service, and direct people to different areas of the church, such as the Parish Hall or Restrooms. If you enjoy meeting new people and making them feel at home, then this is the ministry for you!
Coffee Hour Hosts
Coffee Hour is an important ministry of hospitality, offering parishioners and visitors a chance to connect and enjoy refreshments together after the service. Hosting is simple and anyone can do it! Sign up for a slot on the sign-up sheet in the Narthex and bring your favorite snacks to share in the Parish Hall. It is a great way to support fellowship and helps us all get to know one another better.
Each of these roles is essential to our worship life at St. Mark's. We encourage you to explore these opportunities and find the one that speaks to you. For more information or to sign up, please contact our church office or speak with our clergy. Together, we make worship a true expression of our community's faith and service to God.